
My goal is a just, fair society where everyone is free to be and to become who they are. For me, the most important values are social justice, equality and human rights.  Increasing inequality and climate change are the most serious problems we face today. Climate change does not wait, we have to act now. There has to be change on both political and individual levels. However, the weakest members of our society can not be the ones who pay the highest price

I come from Hervanta, Tampere. I started in politics when I was a young student in social services. In my occupation I can see inequality, poverty and social exclusion. I feel that these challenges have to be faced on a structural level. That is why I am in politics. At the moment I am working in child welfare and studying to become a social worker.

Official posts at the moment

City counsillor of Tampere 2013-
Pirkanmaa county councilor 2022-
2nd vice chairperson of vasemmistoliitto 2019-